Friday, March 16, 2012

I Rant, Therefore I Am

The people who know me well know I have one hell of a temper. Sometimes accompanying that temper is a verbal barrage of obscenities. You name it, I've probably said it.

You may be wondering where I'm going with this. Well, if you read my last blog about my confrontation with a pro-war capitalist (if there is such a thing) who adamantly and intelligently advocated his position, leaving me speechless and dumbfounded. I had no counter-argument, and that pissed me off! This guy threw everything but the kitchen sink at me. I brought a knife to a gun fight.

It wasn't my lack of debating skills that drew me to the boiling point, though. It was the fact that this jackass believed he was 100% right, and subtly worded his phrases to suggest I was a moron who didn't have a clue as to what I was arguing.

He pressed further though. He continued to imply that any veteran(s) who supported Ron Paul were invalid and didn't see the big picture of U.S. foreign policy. Temperature check: boiling!!!

Instead of responding in anger, I didn't respond at all. I figured I would be showing disrespect to a complete stranger by lashing out at him with obscene words and insults at the expense of my own feelings. Also, I've been advised that this could distort the message I'm trying to portray.

I've stewed about this all day. And it's due time for me to get something off of his chest. I don't care what people have to say; I don't care if you approve of my language or not. I want to express my feelings and I would appreciate your respect to my freedom of speech without getting overly offended at a few obscene words. Here it is:

First off, I would like to comment that I'm sick of all the bullshit terminology being used in regards to our service men and women deployed overseas. When I hear someone say that prayers our needed for the brave military defending our freedoms in Afghanistan, it makes me want to vomit. What freedoms are we defending? Weren't we free before committing troops into the region? Weren't we free when Clinton sent peacekeeping troops into Somalia? What about Bosnia? Weren't we free when the United States was involved in the quagmire known as the Vietnam War (which, by the way, was not a declared war)? What is this bullshit they are telling us? Freedoms? The only freedoms we are protecting is the corporations who make a profit from creating the weapons and equipment necessary to wage war. Nobody's freedom is being threatened from a country with no standing army. And don't for one second call the Taliban a standing army... that's horse shit.

Second off, why the fuck are a majority of Americans so stupid that they can't figure out what the hell is going on in our government? Recently, President Obama just signed into law a bill which makes protesting a felony. To be specific, it makes protesting in or near a building occupied by someone with secret-service protection a felony. Doesn't the First Amendment allow American citizens to petition its government for a redress of grievances? Doesn't it allow us to peaceably assemble? Yes, it does, but that right is now gone. Wake the fuck up, people!!! What are we doing? Do you think this is a game? The government is slowly stripping our rights, one amendment at a time, and there's not one single mention of this law in the mainstream media. None that I found at least.

Americans have become gullible idiots, buying into the fear that if we don't sacrifice our liberties another terrorist attack is going to happen. That's a lie. And if you're one of those morons that believe that, then I feel sorry that you can't think for yourself. I'm sorry that you drank the the toxic kool-aid.

Speaking of defending our liberties, this idea of "preventive war" or pre-emptive strikes is pushed heavily amongst conservatives. We're told it helps prevent another attack on American soil. So the American people buy it, and allow our military to invade and occupy a country which is a non-military threat. That includes Iraq. Can someone with half a brain please explain to me how one can prevent a war by starting one? Anyone?

We were told that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, yet none were found. But we went in anyways, much to the chagrin of our European allies. This all done in the name of "democracy". Now the story is that Iraq is a free society with free and fair elections. Yet on the final day of our withdrawal, the instability shows when a series of car bombings happen within the country. It's only a matter of time before things go back to what they used to be.

Afghanistan was not a military threat. No army, no air force, no navy. But we go in to hunt down and eradicate the enemy -- Al Qaeda. Ten years later, we're still there; still fighting. It would be highly inconvenient of me to forget to mention that within the past month or two, Korans were burned and a soldier snapped, walked into a village and murdered 16 innocent Afghan civilians. Ten years! No end in sight, and the only thing our military presence in the region has done is stir up a hornet's nest.

I'm sick of all the fucking war. I'm sick all the fucking spending. I'm sick of our government lying to us, and I'm sick of uninformed, ignorant American citizens who screw everybody else over because they're too fucking lazy to research something themselves. You people deserve everything you vote for! Poverty, war, a totalitarian government, a broken education system, welfare, racism, infanticide, inequality, etc.

Seriously, are people that stupid?

And whatever happened to religious freedom? That's why the pilgrims traveled thousands of miles on treacherous waters -- to escape religious persecution. Now this country is doing that by attempting to force Christian morality down everyone's throat. It makes me sick. What also disgusts me is that all Muslims are classified as extremists, hell bent on the destruction of America. The government claims that radical Islam is trying to destroy our way of life. But has anyone realized that Christianity is doing the same thing by interjecting itself into politics? By trying to pass morality through legislation? Allow me to break some wisdom: no law will change the morality of society. Only society can change its morality. That's why abortion will never be abolished. In order for that to happen, a truly moral society must exist, but we all know it won't.

You can't force morality through law, so there's no point in trying to. Conservatives believe that a philosophy of economic freedom, social conservatism, and an interventionist foreign policy is the proper course for the United States. They are wrong. Likewise, liberals believe that economic control and social progressivism is the only way to ensure equality. They are wrong, too. You can't have it both ways. You are either authoritarian or libertarian. You either want the government telling you what to do, or you want the government out of your lives.

This brings me to government spending and how it coincides with foreign policy. Currently, the United States spend a trillion dollars a year on military operations overseas. Don't get confused with defense spending. Defense does not constitute invasion. Defense does not mean going onto the offensive.

Anyways, conservatives bitch and moan about too much government spending. "Wahh! We need to stop or we'll go bankrupt." "Wahh! There's too much fiscal irresponsiblity in government!" Yet, when it comes to military spending, spending doesn't matter. It makes no sense. We could afford all the "entitlement" programs that are in danger of being insolvent if we simply cut the spending overseas! It's not that fucking hard.

Its blatant stupidity on the conservative side. Democrats can pretty much get Republicans to approve any budget by grabbing them by the nuts and threatening to cut military spending. Republicans give in, and nothing gets solved. In fact, the Congressional Budget Office came out today and stated that the President's budget will add $6.4 trillion to the national debt in a little over ten years. But the liberal outlet CNN said that this would be much less if certain Republican policies like the Bush tax cuts were extended. Is this supposed to make me feel better? Is it OK now since the Republicans would be more expensive? IT'S STILL $6.4 TRILLION!!! It shouldn't matter who's policies are cheaper... it adds to the debt!

But yet, come election time, American voters moronically pull the lever for the candidates who are least qualified to run this country. They say it's choosing between the better of two evils. That's an unfortunate truth. However, we do have third parties. No one said you have to vote for a Republican or Democrat. If you don't like those options, find something else. Never compromise your principles. If you don't like any option out there, then don't vote!!! You're just doing harm by voting for someone who will not serve this country's best interests.

Well... I think I'm done. I'm sure I missed some things I wanted to 'discuss', but there was so much running through my head that I couldn't possibly cover it all in one setting.

Please do not feel offended in any way if you are one of those individuals who actually takes the time to learn about the candidates and educate themselves on the issues that matter most to you. I just beg you to never compromise your principles and vote for a complete douche, like Romney.

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