Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Why Mitt Romney is the worst choice for the 2012 Republican nomination

Mitt Romney is the clear front-runner in the 2012 GOP primaries and I can't figure out why. From a guy who ran left of Ted Kennedy when running for Massachusetts Senate in 1994 and as a moderate during his gubernatorial campaign for the same state, it makes no sense for him to come out and say he's a man of "constancy". That's a pretty bold statement considering the fact he isn't. Here are some video clips to further my argument:

You see? His flip-flops are well documented. When he ran for president in 2008, voters didn't fall for it. Why are they now? Have they actually looked at his record?

The video above is a short trailer on the upcoming movie: "When Mitt Romney Came To Town".

I've read several articles online about Romney's success in these primaries. Many voters have been charmed by his past experience as a businessman, specifically his role as CEO of Bain Capital. But what many voters fail to realize is while he was the head of Bain, he "looted companies, tossed people out of jobs, and is now exaggerating his success at the venture capital firm" (1). He's touting his experience as a "job creator", which he's using as a central theme in his campaign. However, his claims that Bain helped create 100,000 jobs may not be completely accurate (2). He conveniently fails to mention how many more jobs were lost as a result of Bain Capital. Along with a recent gaffe he made at a chamber of commerce breakfast meeting (3), this could prove to be disastrous. And rightfully so. Romney is one of those Wall Street cats that most of the American public despises right now. Yet, for some odd reason, he is still leading in the polls.

Per several public opinion polls, voters feel Romney is the most electable, meaning he has the best chance to beat President Obama. But why ignore the character of a candidate just because he talks a good game. He certainly can't walk the walk.

My appeal to you as a fellow American is to do your research. Don't vote for crooks and liars like Romney, because character DOES matter. And if you want a president that's going to turn things around, you have to have someone you can trust. Romney is not that man.

1. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0112/71231.html
2. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/fact-checker/post/mitt-romney-and-100000-jobs-an-untenable-figure/2012/01/09/gIQAIoihmP_blog.html
3. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/us-election/9003058/New-Hampshire-primary-Mitt-Romney-says-he-likes-firing-people.html

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